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Old 13th June 2006, 11:13 AM
wesmip1 wesmip1 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,601


In answer to your questions :

It is every day not just Saturday that the bets are placed.

It is only ever 1 bet per race (if a selection come up). If there is more than 1 selection you skip the race.

What do you mean by "how do you distribute your bets?". The figures I posted were at level stakes ($1 bet on the selections) so no progression, percentage, etc staking plans are in use.

By price parameters I assume you mean what is the median price of a winner, largest winner, etc. Yeah I did go through them but don't have them handy at the moment. When I looked through it most of the winners were in the $2 - $10 range. There was the occasional long shot which came in higher than $20.

Crash ,

Not dutch betting at all. Had a look at taking all selections which were thrown and they only just broke even ( about a 3% profit ). So I only ever have 1 horse per race (see above).

It isn't that many bets .. approx 10-12 bets a day.

Good Luck
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