30th June 2006, 07:51 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,788
Hi, Twobets.
Unfortunately I cannot help as I am at a loss here and seldom include either algorithym in any of my testing. It would appear that both should be related in some way but often the CP allocates high points to a certain horse whilst $ gives it almost no points.
I've tried to work out what factors the CP (and $) alogorithym are based even though the neural website explains it. However looking at a horse's career (for simplicity, those that have very few race starts) but am baffled at some of their CP points. The same with the $ alogrithym - I've looked at total prizemoney earned, comparison of races that offer larger prizemoney, and other factors - but there seems to be no rhyme or reason and am unable reconcile the $ points allocated. Maybe there is a key or master factor that governs both algorithyms but trying to determine it/them has so far eluded me.