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Old 30th June 2006, 06:16 PM
DR RON DR RON is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: victoria
Posts: 562

I must admit, all this neural talk has also had me spending alot of time on the neural site. For what its worth, the major thing that struck me was the strike rate of the top 3 or 4 in the CP factor. Just from what I've seen it seems like it would be around the 65-70 % mark, but that was from a random sample so it may not be the norm. What seemed more remarkable was that many winners in the $10 to $20 bracket could be found in the top 4 CP. So if your out there KV, would you be able to run the following query on your results please, if your able to.

Top 4 CP

Also Kenny, have you noticed the strike rates for any factor are above average in certain circumstances, such things like barriers on some courses may have above average reults, especially narrow tight circuits or short straights. Also DLR with different distances.
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