4th July 2006, 05:19 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: geeveston
Posts: 702
to be sociable will acknowledge this post.
i live in southern tasmania and know nothing about racing.
it has taken me 25 years to come to this conclusion and each saturday i re-inforce this.
i work for myself but dont make enough to punt heavily thankfully.
i am a councillor on the local council so am on the receiving end of a lot of suggested improvements from people.
my biggest complaint about punting is that after 25 years i think i know things when time and time again prove that i dont.
on saturday i had umaprince as second selection in the glasshouse but because it had been beaten at rockhampton i concluded it couldnt win.
i always do this sort of thing no matter how often i try to mechanise my methods to stop it.
dont take the punt too seriously and enjoy it. good luck to you in your endeavours and thanks for taking the trouble to introduce yourselves.