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Old 19th July 2006, 11:29 AM
dingoboy dingoboy is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 241

thats where i was going, betting under 50 % michaelg.
If one looks at the s/r of certain winners, as long as there is profit there, it could be a bet.
I dont mean bet every race, or bet 70 units on a 2/1 fav and 10 on the next, just bet when there is value.
Somewhere else on the net there is discussion on overlays and HOW to find them or it, some bookies top two or three "favs" are what i am pointing to,...without saying names !
These "professionals" know their business, therefore the odds that they are offering, if something or two somethings stand out like dogs #@&*% then maybe thats a bet.
Their top three or four are the big win s/r winners.
I agree 110 % with you guys regarding betting one runner, but i take heart that too many times i have had a beaut selection process fall apart with my selectionss running second continually, only to change feet and then have them all winning and not being on them.

A personal contact from this forum emailed me once with an idea once and in that message he said basically ANY funds made of the punt is good,...and free (kind of sorta)

Anyways, just ideas, maybe some one might see some something in it.

Cheers Ding
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