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Old 19th July 2006, 06:53 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
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Crash, my problem with my 2c worth was not "enough" words, I understood exactly what you said but can't believe you said it. My comments were much more fundamental than what's been picked up, i.e. a good handicapper like yourself can sort the race, and then rate say top 3, from them you probably have a good S/R overall,... so say over a year maybe the shortest priced of your top 3 will have say a 30% S/R, (showing a POT, cos you're a good judge) the next shortest price a S/R of say 18% (showing a POT again, cos youre still a good judge) and the longest priced of your top 3 , remember over a year or more is say 12% (again showing a POT)

I've just picked the figures out of the air to prove a point by the way.

So your 2nd and 3rd investments in all the races are NOT wasted at all cos they have all showed a POT. over a years investments!!!!!

Not backing to prices here just level stakes to win, if you sorted them by rating rather than price, then same scenario, though me thinks that the S/R will be closer matched. i.e Top Rated-v- 2nd Top-v- 3rd Top

BUT I agree that if one is SO GOOD that only betting on the Top Rater shows the gretaest profit OVER TIME every time then yes why bother backing anything else, just increase the bets to about a Mil or so, hee hee!
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