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Old 21st July 2006, 01:55 PM
La Mer La Mer is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 578

Originally Posted by jfc
Amid the current incessant promotion of loss chasing, negative expectation insanity is Parrondo's Paradox. So here is my personally conceived demonstration of why it is a sham. .

Not sure that I agree with your sentiments jfc. I personally know of one person who claims to have had some success with Parrondo's Paradox & know of another who did a fair bit of work on the issue, claiming that used correctly it was possible to turn two negatives into positive.

There is a certain forum where what has been written by both can be located but I dare say if I mentioned that forum here the thought police would quickely have it removed. Pity about that, as this forum has lost a lot due to those damned thought police, but nevertheless, it is Propun's loss not mine.

But if you know who Chiron or Peter Jamieson are then perhaps you can work out which forum it is.
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