21st July 2006, 02:47 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 578
Originally Posted by Chrome Prince
However, here is an instance of the "Paradox".....
(negative barrier - negative chance = overlay)
Horses in "unfavoured" barriers mean a higher average price, therefore profit can be made, as horses overcome this obstacle more often than the price they are.
Horses in public favoured barriers are given too much of a discount by the public, so are great lay opportunities.
While in agree,emt with your sentiments Chrome, not sure if it's a case of too much a discount for horses in favoured barriers or more a case of those drawn out wide ignored way beyond what their real chances thus creating pverlays.
Know of one professional punter (who you know about) that has profited from well over the last dozen years or so from horses drawn out wide.