22nd July 2006, 02:33 PM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Newcastle, NSW
Posts: 1,492
After a race in Melbourne today when a short-priced runner ran unplaced a prominent trainer was interviewed and stated that he was not necessarily disappointed with it's rather inglorious run as it had "finished big" after it's race was over.
My question is this......should horses be allowed to start if they may not be in premium racing order? I believe they should be fit enough to perform at their optimum level rather than using these races as "conditioning runs" generally at our expense......ie the long suffering betting public. Alternatively, perhaps the public should be informed that a particular horse is not at it's best(ie. blood counts) and maybe then they can make their own informed decision whether that particular runner should be avoided as a betting prospect. Is confidence in racing diminished when such things occur, particularly when you consider that the amounts invested on each race are in the 100k's if not the $M's?
Why aren't blood counts made available to the betting public.....maybe it would be too valuable of a tool for the public to have at their disposal?
Mmmm.....makes you wonder....any thoughts on this matter?