Sure thing.
Here is the points scale that I'll be using during the comp:
Level 1: Listed race under $100,000: 150 points
1st 60, 2nd 30, 3rd 20, 4th 10
First 4 15, Trif. 10, Quin. 5
Level 2: Listed race $100,000+: 300 points
1st 120, 2nd 60, 3rd 40, 4th 20
First 4 30, Trif. 20, Quin. 10
Level 3: Group 3 race under $150,000: 450 points
1st 180, 2nd 90, 3rd 60, 4th 30
First 4 45, Trif. 30, Quin. 15
Level 4: Group 3 race $150,000+: 600 points
1st 240, 2nd 120, 3rd 80, 4th 40
First 4 60, Trif. 40, Quin. 20
Level 5: Group 2 race under $250,000: 750 points
1st 300, 2nd 150, 3rd 100, 4th 50
First 4 75, Trif. 50, Quin 25
Level 6: Group 2 race $250,000+: 900 points
1st 360, 2nd 180, 3rd 120, 4th 60
First 4 90, Trif. 60, Quin 30
Level 7: Group 1 race under $500,000: 1050 points
1st 420, 2nd 210, 3rd 140, 4th 70
First 4 105, Trif. 70, Quin. 35
Level 8: Group 1 race $500,000-$1,999,999: 1200 points
1st 480, 2nd 240, 3rd 160, 4th 80
First 4 120, Trif. 80, Quin. 40
Level 9: Group 1 race $2,000,000-$4,999,999: 1350 points
1st 540, 2nd 270, 3rd 180, 4th 90
First 4 135, Trif. 90, Quin. 45
Level 10: Group 1 race $5,000,000+: 1500 points
1st 600, 2nd 300, 3rd 200, 4th 100
First 4 150, Trif. 100, Quin. 50