Dr Ron,
Contrary to initial impressions, my methods have an affinity for times. It's just that I despise both records and averages.
See the companion time thread for my justification. Also I recommend looking back through osulldj's posts for considered contributions about this stuff. New correspondent La Mer also clearly knows his stuff.
The original weight to distance relationship was 3lbs = 1length. That helps me to not mix up the new one of:
1.5Kg = 1 Length
But, apparently Beirne, AAP and others also use something like:
9Kg = 1 second
Allowing unifying relationships between weight, distance and time.
Leading to a handicapping method where two distinct sets of ratings, class and time are both expressed in kilograms. These ratings can be interchanged in desirable situations.
Consider a race of first starters - i.e. with no past history. But you do have time ratings which could be used as a class rating seed. As opposed to fossicking through a Scott book for a rating.
This is partly a lead up to responding to your 10 length question, which I'll try later.
[ This Message was edited by: jfc on 2003-06-19 10:14 ]