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Old 19th June 2003, 06:22 PM
osulldj osulldj is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 166

Thanks key,

You are right, you can't learn how to apply information to make a profit through reading books or articles or through buying special takes practice.

Some of the more practical abilities one needs to develop if they want to actually make money at the races are:

* Understanding what your information and analysis tells you about a race.

* Understanding what the market tells you about a race.

* Being able to identify races which present a profitable window of opportunity. This is so much more than thinking you have value because you ratings say $3 and the horse is $4.

* Having the smarts and discipline to play in those races which do offer that window and to leave the others

* Working hard to get the best price and betting appropriate amounts

* Riding out and dealing with the emotional highs and lows

* Maintaining good records

* Using post race review process across all aspects. Your analysis, your betting habits on the day, the conditions of various races, the performance of horse, what that all means for the future etc. etc.

This is most important and something that 99% of punters are too lazy to do. This is where most of your practical learning takes place, as opposed to theoretical learning. I find many future winners and make a lot of money through these processes alone.

I can say all these things but there is little you can learn without putting them into practice and most importantly, reflecting on your efforts and taking something away from each week to improve on next time.
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