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Old 5th August 2006, 08:52 AM
Merriguy Merriguy is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 609


Michael does say in his first post "outright " 100 rater. Would be interesting to see the results of your search if you are able to do it.


Have been watching what you have posted here. Thank you. I'm a bit surprised that it has not elicited more comment. I went through last Saturday's selections in the hope that it might give us a bit of a lead on today. I know there are many factors; but.... for what it is worth:

1) Both win and place runners according to your rules made a profit --- the win bets just scraping in; place returning some 40%.

2) I scored all meetings on which Unitab gave an outright 100 rater. Cheltenham, Darwin, N.Z., and W.A. did not have a winner (out of a combined 7 starters), and Eagle Farm only one winner in three. (I am counting as a winner any return --- place or win.)

Whereas the other venues all scored with all their selections --- W.F 1; M.V 3 (one NTD); Wang. 2; Gold C. 3; Newcastle 3.

More importantly, I think, is to get some understanding of just what the 100-rater means. I suspect that they are produced by some sort of computer programme (Does any one know more about this?); whereas other threads here seem to suggest that the Unitab picks at the top, as well as the named tips, are produced by "humans". (Again, does anyone know for certain?)

Of course, this brings up the question as to the current value of the ratings. Is it a 100 rater because some time ago it had a flash in the pan and won three in a row in the bush, etc., etc..

Anyway, my tuppence worth. Good luck today.
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