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Old 6th August 2006, 09:16 AM
La Mer La Mer is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 578

Originally Posted by manygeese
Where do the greatest punters on earth rate a welter as far as class goes.

As far as I know a welter is supposed to be a handicap with a higher minimum weight. They always seem to have a regular minimum weight to me anyway and I have trouble deciding how much emphasis to put on a past welter win when assessing form.

Below open, about the same. I really don't know where the logic of a welter fits into the more regular and understandable progression through class but I bet even money or better somebody else does. Not sure what odds they'll post it.

In the hierarchy of race classes, the welter used to rank second bottom of the the 'open' class races, higher than the highweight but behind the flying or the flying welter - there used to be a weight differential between these classes.

Highweights used to have a limit weight of 54kgs, Welters a limit of 51kgs, Fying/Flying Welters a limit of 48kgs, but of course since those days, weights have been raised on a number of occasions,

Highweights will probably be remembered as a little used class that was mainly used on Melbourne Cup day - I think that used to run two such races. But basically they have been long gone now.

In today's racing, there are very few if any 'real' welter races run, although they may be tagged as such, but when the actual race conditions are examined, they are really some type of restricted race, either by the number of wins during the last twelve months or some other restriction.
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