Ah! the mighty Doubles.
This is one of my favorite challenges ,it is always a challenge.
Here is a tool that will save you a lot of time , its very good.
Go to the site below & go to Doubles Price Predictor.LHS at top of list.
What it calls odds is actually in decimal price e.g. $4.00 , $7.00 ect
One will find that the newspaper prices end up being very close to the actual doubles div amazingly enough, once multiplied together.
One will have to round their prices to nearest dollar for this program to work, because it ignors any decimal amounts in its calculation e.g. 5.90 x 6.00 its total will show = $30 instead of $35.40 which is the correct amount.
Dont take too much notice of the total it shows at the bottom.
It is nearly always wrong for some reason.
The tool below calculates the price x price .e.g. $5.00 x $6.00 = $30
One will have to round their price to the nearest dollar before entering it, to make it work.
For some reason one has to highlight the whole page then print if one wants a hard copy because it's save & print function does not seem to work.
I would be interested to know what methods you may find succesful.