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Old 11th August 2006, 05:34 PM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104

I think after Stix's 'little' faux-pas outburst of accusing me of not backing my own tips [I'd tipped a $28 winner on that day] in my thread 'off crash's cuff' ['so don't take any credit for tipping it because I had a ****e day and I don't believe you backed it anyway ...blah .blah.. etc'] and ended the thread because of his post saying 'well I get to kick your **** in the comp next sat. etc.' , he might have pulled the pin on the forum.

Personally I was more amused than outraged by the attack and I would have rather it was forgotten about by both of us as faux-pas happen [I'm pretty good at the foot in the mouth technique myself].

He's a member of 'inside rail' forum, so maybe he is transferring his 'insights' there from now on. He does seem to have dumped the forum and comp. so we might need another punter. I'm sorry to all if my response [aggressive] to his poor taste post was the cause.
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