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Old 15th August 2006, 12:53 AM
OZDOC OZDOC is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 40

Originally Posted by Chrome Prince

I am stating from my experience too.


Isn't it better to advise people on what's gone wrong than what hasn't?.


The new version does not have one million rows and Excel never will have one million rows, the file system cannot handle it.

i appologise for this, i was given wrong information and not happy about that and stand corrected

You have gone down that path, by stating that I am wrong, and I supplied proof of what is inevitable.

i said it proved stable for me when set up right not refering anything diferent

I am correct in my statements, just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it won't or can't happen to someone else..

you stated that it failed due to high volumes of data and was prone to corruption, yes you also provided some information to that, and i will not argue with that, what i can say is i run very large files ( and have for many years ) and they have not been corupted nor i doubt ever will be, as said i do not say excel is the worst or best option but can say if set up right there are no dramas and is a viable option for people to use.
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