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Old 19th August 2006, 07:51 PM
Chuck Chuck is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Sydney
Posts: 3,145

well done today svenlad, just pipped me there :b

on the crash matter, sportz has originally said that there was a 1pm deadline. A few have gone over this, but only by a few minutes or an hour at the very most. no one has tipped after the feature race before, and as there is no precedent for this i think that sportz should have the final say on what happens with crash. i am not being too serious in a friendly comp i am just stating facts. sportz puts so much time and effort into these things i think it should be his call and personally i agree with him on this. crash you've put real deal in a shocking situation here - either he takes the win and appears selfish, takes the loss and appears stupid, or opt for a draw when he should get a win. its not his problem you couldn't get to a computer and he shouldn't be penalised for it
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