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Old 20th August 2006, 08:48 AM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104


You have done a great job just getting this up and running [braver man than me for this sort of comp.].
OK, so I wasn't happy about the way my late bets were seen and my good intentions being missed, but yes I should consider that this is certainly a hard comp to manage and your early decision on my bets has cornered you a bit, so noting that and the awkward position it puts you in, I'll stay in, move on [I'm no sook] and we can put this behind us.

Will this comp. get down to the final top 4 being the punters who turned up for the most Saturday's kick-off's?

Football is played mainly in winter for very good reasons .....getting supporters to turn up and maintaining strong interest are just 2 of them. You might think about the 1pm. rule. There is no reason you have to work out the results on Saturday, so there might be room for a bit more flexibility for punters.

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