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Old 20th August 2006, 07:52 PM
TheEasyRun TheEasyRun is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 18
Default Living on the punt... Part1

Hi guys.

This is not a post intending to upset anyone, as punting is a game full of memorable moments that I would never wish to take from anyone. It is however a small collection of what I have learnt in the game over the past twenty seven years, posted up to give food for thought to those who would like to take their punting activities to a higher plane......... those who would clearly like to punt horses for a living, or very close to it.

First up, a few basic misconceptions.

1. So called big money "professonal punters" really are not. They are men propped up by money from their buisnesses, inheritence or high incomes, or from stake money hits from horses they own.
In essence they are big money gamblers, not pro punters.
They all have one major thing in common.....they did not get their money from the punt, and if they had to start from scratch and punt up a liveable betting bank they would soon starve!

2. It is a falacy that a massive turnover is needed to show profit over time.
This is for men who have that poor of a selection and staking method, that a very large turnover of money is needed to capitalize on a very skinny profit margin. In reality these type of punters last only as long as other money (or imagination) is proping it up.

3. It's quite false that a very high starting bank of $10,000 to $30,000 or more is needed to start a betting bank off. And false also is the thinking that the bank must be turned over and over like it was inside a washing machine.
The fact is a betting bank must be protected from heavy turnover!

Here is another fact, if the average man clears $30,000 a year in his regular employment, then to match that in punting earnings, he can start off with a bank as little as $4000. And still keep his job. Nirvana for the average bloke on the punt would be around $50,000 a year.....roughly $4000 to $5000 a month. A $6000 starting bank for that is plenty.

4. It goes against any real common sense that an ** School Teacher, Mathematition, Engineer, Accountant or any highly educated induvidual, can come up with a numerical/class/time rating system that leads to first a steady income, then on to great wealth.
It simply cannot be done.

Those are just a few misconceptions and there are of course plenty more, but I would rather go on to selection and staking methods, punting psychology, how to relax into a life on the punt, and why you should never except odds on any bet unless it can return you over $7 to the dollar.

I will post the rest up tommorow in Part 2, and then in Part 3 on Tuesday.

Happy Hunting
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