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Old 21st August 2006, 01:36 PM
TheEasyRun TheEasyRun is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 18

Partypooper. Quite right, the mention of the average man equaling his wage and still keeping his job was a quick example to lead to quitting. And how you do not need a large betting bank to hold sway on $50,000 a year.

Filante. I did not mention uneducated people, nor $60,000. I only mentioned "needless" research, not any or all, and the only knowledge I talked about was the intimate knowledge of equations, and how they have no place in horse punting. Now..... $7 shots? good god man, you wont make a living at those must be over $7 to the dollar!

You dont have to buy it Chrome Prince as it's given away. You will however have to accept it one day.

Highly educated system boys are we?
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