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Old 25th August 2006, 02:48 PM
Moderator 3 Moderator 3 is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 217

The last paragraph from the Moderator post could be better worded as follows:

Can a profit of $3,000 in a year actually be made from a starting bank of $400?

Can a profit of $30,000 in a year actually be made from a starting bank of $4000?

This is the main issue brought up by TheEasyRun and needs to be substantiated.


Originally Posted by Moderator 3
On our interpretation the TheEasyRun is simply posting that from his perspective of what is a small starting bank, $4,000 can make about $30,000 profit in a year, and a starting bank of $6,000 can make about $50,000 profit in a year.

Maybe some forum members would feel more comfortable if TheEasyRun had posted that a small starting bank like $400 can make about $3000 in a year?

However, is there a difference? Anyone can extrapolate from a bank of $400 making about $3000 in a year that a bank of $4,000 can make $30,000 in a year!

Anyone can extrapolate from a profit made using $2 bets what the profit would have been using $10 bets, $20 bets, $100 bets, $200 bets and so on...

So even if TheEasyRun had posted that a small starting bank like $400 can make about $3000 in a year, the average person earning $30,000 would be able to work out that a bank of $4000 could make $30,000 in a year and a bank of $8,000 could make $60,000 in a year.

Whether or not a profit of $3,000 in a year can actually be made from a starting bank of $400 or a profit of $30,000 in a year can actually be made from a starting bank of $4000 has been substantiated by TheEasyRun is our opinion the main issue.

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