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Old 26th August 2006, 08:30 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Heres a simple idea that is very successful weeding out False Favs
It works most days , but it does have its days where most decide to all get up ,but this is very rare.

All Favs starting from Barrier 9+
That's It.

Using TAB favs for this exercise.

Fri 24th Aug had one 1.70 winner from 8 races
Thur 23rd had 3 winners 3.20,5.20,3.40 from 6 races , one of those days.
Wed 22nd had 2 winners 1.80,3.80 from 11 races

If one only targeted races where the Fav is 2.10-2.90 starting from barrier 9+
Some good value could be had betting several others to beat it.

There are usually quite a few qualifying races in this price range & this is the range you want them to fall over if lay betting or seeking value on the others,
e.g. If Dutch betting.
It would have done very well over the 3 days shown above ,
in the said price range.(that is False Favs falling over)

Correspondingly , if one feels they must bet the Race Fav in barrier 9+ , make sure it is paying $3.20+ so as to justify barrier to value.

If one only wanted to have one selection per venue , try working from race 8 backwards & settle on the first one that qualifies, if using the newspaper
The logic is ,more shorter priced Favs seem to get up in the first half of most meetings for whatever reason.
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