31st August 2006, 07:08 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Sydney
Posts: 402
Originally Posted by Mark
It was not my intention to hijack this thread so this will be may last word on the matter.
MV, show me where I said anything about backing or trading.
As for doubling or quadrupling, you can only take what's available. Your statement shows a distinct lack of knowledge as to what I'm doing.
Cheers, and keep that mind closed.
You're not prepared to disclose what you're doing.
So how are you entitled to chastise those incapable of mindreading?
For the record Mark is arbitraging. Like many others. I'd consider that trading.
Of course there's no risk as all in Mark's former profession of bookmaking are scrupulously honest. You'll always be able to snare what's apparently offered. And no one would ever try to throw a curly by welching on a sealed deal and not paying up.