9th September 2006, 10:31 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 154
Tabonline for 09/09/06
Thanks for all the facinating reading guys from all the recent betting selection methods. Seems a quiet time, so re introducing this method, just for fun.
I've done the calculations for Brisbane, and I've not stayed true with the initial rules, just went for the top scores in each race. The only thing to do is when you see the dividends, to multiply them with the score in the last column and see which ones are the top two and bet for a win. I would not bet when there is a runner that is paying $2.40 or less in the field. Just wait for the next race. And of course when you are ahead you are .... ahead. And a decision has to be made.
What is below, Race, first column TAB numbers of horses, second column the score which you need to calculate with.
6 11
1 10
3 2
4 14
7 8
1 4
2 13
12 5
1 3
1 17
2 15
3 8
4 10
1 7
7 7
1 11
7 10
3 8
9 12
1 11
4 8
5 7
9 10
13 9
2 6
Good Luck and lots of fun.