Hi Guys, I hate to sound like I am jumping on the IAS bandwagon :P I just wanted to say that I use IAS ALL the time (too much really) and it has never crashed for me at all.
I also find that 9 times out of 10, I will get better odds then i would if I were betting with my NSWTAB Account... Although i do use the NSW tab account for DFS.. but if you want something better, go to ozhorseracing.com.au and pay the dollar per meet - it gives you the last 15 starts which is a major bonus.
Oh I also love that IAS allows you to deposit ANY amount - rather then the minimum $50 that NSWTAB allows (yaaahh for the big spenders i know!) :P
I do have one annoyance with IAS though (which you are all going to think is really stupid) but they gave a bonus recently of $100 and put it directly into my account, which WAS great at the time... When the bonus was spent gambling though, along with a large amount of other winnings i had accumulated in my account, I added more money ------ After i won, tried to draw out my big win of $101 roughly but it said I could only draw out $1 - because i hadnt met the requirements of the bonus... After calling them I found out i had to turn over $2000 to get the free $100!
So now I am basically betting and hoping to win alot more then $100, so it doesnt cut me so much when i have to forfeit it too take it out... I just seem to put money in rather then take it out though!
Anyways to cut a long story short :P - if they put any money in your account - find out what the requirements are for it - and then get them to take it out if you dont like them!.. Its easier to lose it before you spend it!
I know its only $100 ... but I am not the worlds richest gambler! - not yet anyways