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Old 2nd October 2006, 04:48 PM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104

Beadman for Sept.

2/9 Rosehill
9 rides
R1: w$1.45w F [Hawks].
R8: Mustard $12w

12/9 WF
6 rides
R3 w$2.70F [H]

13/9 Canterbury
4 rides [all Hawkes]
r4 w$2.60F [H]

8 rides
All lost

7 rides
All lost

6 rides [all Hawkes]
r1 w$1.75 F
r4 w$2 F
r5 w$1.80 F
r6 w$2 F
r7 w$3 F

4 rides [all Hawkes]
All Lost

Total rides: 44
Total wins: 9
Total win price: $29.30
Average win price just under $3.25 with the inclusion of a $12 winner. Take that away and he averages $2.16 a win from 8 wins.

Obviously Beadmans win price average is generally well below average fav. win price.
Anyone backing Beadman last month would have been totally reliant on last Sat. longshot to [just] make a profit. He had 6 losing rides, that have to be considered so a profit would have [just] been made at level stakes for the month. Whew !!
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