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Old 17th October 2006, 02:07 PM
Stix Stix is offline
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Originally Posted by Stix
If I was to watch one (maybe two) games of Michael Voss at his best, what would they be?

Someone said the 2003 GF, which I did watch, although polaxed by half time (yes I am a Pies man), but still, not sure that was shuch a "great" game....

I'm curious, as I really don't think I saw him at his best...... I remember, Buckley, Carey, Kernahan, Willams, Hird, Dunstall, Ablett, yatta yatta, but I can't recall Voss in my memories as having played a standout game/s (not his fault and NOT saying anything against him, simply and purely I clearly didn't watch enough Lions games or the wrong ones).... I know he played well in a games I saw but not (from recall) standout games..... so thought I'd buy a "Name the Game" DVD and have a look.
.......Giddy Up..... !!
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