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Old 28th October 2006, 05:19 PM
Sportz Sportz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 11,973


"Home" tipsters are named first. (home tipsters get 6 tips and away tipsters get 5)

Next Saturday - Derby Day:

Qualifying Finals
(winners progress to the Preliminary Finals on Oaks Day, losers get another chance on Cup day)
1st v 4th - Panther v umrum
2nd v 3rd - Sportz v Svenvlad

Elimination Finals
(winners progress to the semi-finals on Cup day, losers are knocked out of the competition)
5th v 8th - feather v Breadman
6th v 7th - Raw Instinct v Maverick1993

Bad luck to those who missed out on the finals. Everyone who has been in the comp is welcome to keep posting tips during the Cup Carnival next week if you want to. But of course only the scores of those who are competing on that day will count.
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