9th November 2006, 09:33 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 156
Hi everyone, I have a problem.
Im looking for a formula that estimates the trifecta payout based on the tab prices of the runners.. For example three runners, A at $2.50, B at $2.70 and C at $12.00.. You can say that by multiplying the prices together as A*B*C would give you a reasonable estimate, but the combination ABC will give you the same answer as CBA which would logically pay a greater dividend.. Im trying to work out how much more I should put on ABC as opposed to BCA and CBA etc. to return basically the same return.
Simply multiplying them together is not the right answer.. I can access the trifecta pool and the Win and Place Pool so I can work out how many "live" tickets there are on win or place bet, if that helps..
$20.00 prize money to the first respondent to give me a correct answer shown to be accurate to within 10% of the real dividend based on 10 randomly chosen Saturday races...Or a logically calculated formula that I can massage to get the results I want..
Respond to this if you think you have the right answer and Ill get in touch..