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Old 13th November 2006, 08:01 AM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104

There is a huge psychological stumbling block moving from betting small amount of money that a punter can reasonably afford to lose, to large amounts of money they cannot afford or don't wish to lose.

The old adage about never betting what you can't afford to lose [never bet the rent money] is a very good one.

The problem for anyone wishing to make enough on the punt to live comfortably on is: [a] having the ability [b] having the psychological makeup required [c] being able to afford largish bets and the inevitable runs of outs on large bets.

Anyone possessing both [a] and [b] have the problem of [c] and anyone possessing [c] will find there are far more profitable and less risky things to do with capital that to play the high risk futures market, which is exactly what punting is.

Would anyone here consider investing in and living off the Futures Market a wise career move? Punting on the horses is easier and safer and isn't playing the Futures Market?

$50k and up sitting in a bank can earn 10% with no effort or risk. A lot more than 10% can be made with some risk and a little work.
Even the best pro. punters work 24/7 and would be seriously struggling to make 10% on turnover after costs. Some years they make nothing and even lose in others.

'Living off the punt' [getting rid of the Boss or current business life?] is a no-brainier. I punt for pleasure, win or lose.

Here is my idea for living off the punt:
I will provide a max. of 100 [lucky] punters 10 selections a week from the sweat and toil I put into handicapping with all the latest computer input. Min. bets by those [lucky] punters will be considered $100 [bet more if you like]. For all winners they will pay $10 into my bank account [no payment and no more tips].
If any selection doesn't win the customers pay nothing ..can't be fairer than that!

JOIN UP NOW ! :-))
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