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Old 20th November 2006, 10:09 PM
Oaksnaf Oaksnaf is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 450

I think this flexi bet is only applicable to those who use STAB.

But it is an amazing tool.

A flexi bet can only be used on trifecta's/first fours and quaddies.

EG: Box 3 Trifecta costs $6
But you only want to spend $2.
$2 is 33.333% of $6 meaning, that if your selection wins, you get 33% of the payout.

If you want to box 4 selections, which normally costs $24, but you only want to spend $2.
Then you get 8.33% of the winnings. The advantage in this, is that you dont have to spend large amounts of money. The downside to this is that you dont get the dividend in full.

But your selections dont have to be boxed, I was just drawing a few examples. Basically whatever % you decide to bet of what the actual bet would cost, then that will be the % of dividends you are entitled to, if you selections win.


So theoretically crash, it would be best for all of us to select one bet per week and spend what we would spend in a given week on that selection?

One bet per week, is better than two per week, two per week, is better than four per week. But in the end, our strike rate needs to stay the same does it not. Whether we need to win 15% of the time on our single bets placed once a week over a whole year. 52 bets. Or whether we place 10 bets per week, 520 per year, our strike rate would still need to be the same for us to make a profit.

Lets say our average winner is $8. We have a 15% strike rate.

Once a week bets:::

Selections: 52
Winners: 8
Layout: 52
Return: 64
Profit $12

10 bets per week:::

Selections: 520
Winners: 80
Layout: 520
Return: 640
Profit: $120

BUT we lay $1000 a selection on the One Bet Per Week. And we lay $100 a winner on the 10 Bets Per Week. And the profit ends up to be exactly the same amount.

Although the benefit of the 520 selections, is that we can at least recoup a run of 15 outs. A run of 15 outs in a 52 selection year, would well cause a fair amount of dilema's for those who might not be financially equip, nor mentally equip.

The benefit of one selection per week, is if you end up having a run of winners. Even 2-4 wins in a row. This would create quite a nice feeling I would imagine.

I find having more selections, gives me security in my mind. Theoretically I just need to win as often etc etc. Of course I am not ready to bet one selection per week and stake the same amount of money I would over 10 selections per week on that one alone.

Probability wise, would both scenarios not be the same? In the end both situations are only different in regards to a time frame. Well I think anyway.

And if we are to continually make a profit on single bets per week, then would we not need to learn how to make a profit over 520 selections? Because if we want to make a living for 10 years, we need to know how to make a profit over those 520 selections.

Or am I missing the point?
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