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Old 23rd November 2006, 09:45 PM
breadman breadman is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Border NSW/QLD
Posts: 374

Originally Posted by diggo
Hi breadman, no I am not a kiwi hehe. I am a 7th generation Aussie as a matter of fact However, for some reason, I am always going for the Kiwi's (god knows why?). Okay, say it, I am a traitor!

But without being biased, I really do think that the kiwi's want it more than the aussies this year. The performance of the aussies in the first round was good but since then their performances have been quite ordinary. It seems as though they just expect to win without giving 100%. They may fire up again in the game this week but the kiwi's will be ready and I won't be suprised to see an upset.

PS: I may have slightly exaggerated about putting your house on them. lol. Taking the line would be a good option and I will be having a bit on both options.


My line of thinking mate was that the aussies new they only had to beat the kiwis once to make the final so they dropped their intensity for the rest of the games. Im still going for the aussies to win but only because of the revenge factor. Have decided not to bet on the game. Might take hunt for first try scorer for an interest. Good luck with what ever you decide to do. Cheers Breadman.
LOve all sports.
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