24th November 2006, 05:38 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104
The paging file is little more than [free] quasi hard-drive RAM and the below RAM tweak is a well known one with PC Gamers who need all the RAM they can get. Worth a try anyway as it can only improve things regardless.
Increase the paging file [swap file] size to 2 1/2 times [no more] your present RAM size for both min. and max. paging file size. Here's how: Right click my computer/properties/advanced tab/click on performance 'settings'/advanced/under virtual memory click on 'change'/tick 'custom size'/ 1000mb = 1G of ram, so if you have 1G of ram set both min. and max to 2500mb or 2 1/2 times whatever RAM size you have/click on 'set'/OK and re-boot.
Note*Setting both min. and max. to the same size stops paging file fragmentation and useless and constant auto. re-sizing.
Also turn off your auto indexing service which uses a lot of RAM [uselessly] but is not required for most PC usages and especially for what your doing.
Here's how: Right click 'my computer' /manage/double click Services and applications/click on 'Services'/ scroll to and single click on 'Indexing services'/under service description in the left column, click on 'Stop this service'/now double click on indexing services to open it /under 'startup type' select 'disable'. close and re-boot.
You will have a marked free up of RAM space and a general system performance increase with the above tweaks. Stability will not be affected and in fact will improve stability.
If you want some advice on how to stop spam [without expensive software] just using certain settings and command lines, let me know. I get ZERO spam with Outlook Express without any special software.