24th November 2006, 10:19 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 4,425
Odds on the problem is to do with services stopping and starting when in standby mode. If your tech goes into the event viewer on the server he will see various services marked with warnings. If the site is going offline during the night (I've experienced this also), then your email exchange server will also be affected. Also ask him to turn off power saving mode on the network card, USB devices, and modem. Power saving mode also sends the server offline with limited use.
The symptoms of this server are pretty much inline with the troubles I face when called out to a business. Increasing ram is the fix that techs suggest when they cannot fix the software Ram will not fix these problems. If you really want an improvement in the server, upgrade the hard drives to double the size - you could even be running out of room, also make sure the backups are writing correctly - sometimes backups that fail write back onto the original drive causing slowdown and a full drive.