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Old 21st December 2006, 07:36 AM
diogenes diogenes is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 196

Originally Posted by crash
Races 1 to 4 only covered by the TAB
Min. bet is $100 for a day, so I'll read your bets as:
R3/4 Beauty Plus $100w only [unp]
So you have only spent $100.

Fair enough Crash, I had only lost slightly less if all were included, not a good night!
Interestingly, I made the bets because WA TAB covered all these races?!?
I called them to try to understand how their decisions were made on which races were covered and they told me it depended entirely on which were being broadcast on TV.....and that they couldn't tell me till the day before the race?
They told me to write a letter if I wanted more HK coverage as "they love getting punter feedback" which launched me into "the divvies showing 6:70 at the start of the race and paying 1:90 at the end of the race" feedback but apparantly they actually don't like punter feedback on ALL subjects!
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