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Old 6th February 2007, 11:02 PM
Sportz Sportz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 11,995

Now to look at the 2nd top raters just as I did with the top raters.

Firstly, as I showed in an earlier post, backing ALL 2nd top raters in January produced a profit of 7%. Now, here's what happens backing only the 2nd top raters which were overlays:

Selections 131
Wins 21
Return $152.00
Profit 16%

Now, I looked for 2nd top raters which were 50% overlays, just as I did with the top raters:

Selections 25
Wins 6
Return $73.70
Profit 195%

Very promising figures there, but as I suggested previously, the results for 2nd top raters could have been thrown out by the big win of Myndos on Jan 20. So just for arguments sake, let's take him out of the results:

Selections 24
Wins 5
Return $46.20
Profit 92.5%

The results are still more than acceptable even without Myndos. So perhaps we could be onto something there.
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