Thread: assumption
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Old 12th February 2007, 09:55 PM
Mark Mark is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Qld
Posts: 1,400

Chrome, your posts over the last couple of days have really got me thinking. Do you think it's possible (I certainly do) to trade, say the first 2 in the market so as to put yourself in a a postion where you've been able to lay them both at evens. A final position of as low as an even $10 on both, over 100 races per week would certainly add up. I'm thinking along the lines of 30% of favs winning, & 25% of 2nd favs winning. This would give you 55 races where you break even and 45 races where you win $19. (after commission). 45 x $19 per week is not to be sneezed at. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
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