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Old 18th February 2007, 07:07 AM
Punter4211 Punter4211 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 156

Originally Posted by HORSE WHISPERER
please, when u have thesepredictions, can u post them up here. it would be greatly appreciated

Dear Horse Whisperer,

I don't know at what level of interest in horse racing is but I trust you're not doing it to willingly loose your money...

So my tip is, if you're not doing it already, to get some sort of database system or even a note-book and set a page for each worthwhile horse... There were a number of them yesterday, and sit down and watch the replays or listen to the audio over and over.. Till you have a note about the performance of EVERY runner... I am a computer programmer so databases are easy for me and I write my own assesment programs...

Then when you're assessing the race before the meeting read your notes on every runner and you'll have a pretty good picture of how the race will turn out... (try it, it really only takes about 4-6 hours per meeting)

I have a big red flag in my program that jumps up with a note saying something like "Desert War likes to run to the lead fresh and when out in front can maintain a pace that runs even champions off their feet, Lookout"

The next step is to heed your own advice, which is something I'm mad about but hey, I've only been learning for 20+ years...

You'll find most true professionals do a similar sort of thing some go so far as to also rate trainers and jockeys and try to work out the logic of their strategies..

I'll add that Gai often uses this "run to the front and go like the clappers" tactic when her horses are up against other quailty runners..(you just have to know which horses are capable of doing that)

I think she teaches them how to do that.

Kind Regards and Punt smart...

(Never Buy a Tip)

P.S. Desert War did this twice in each of his last two preperations, so expect another but not at $10.00
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