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Old 19th February 2007, 10:49 AM
Mark Mark is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Qld
Posts: 1,410

My 2c worth gents.

Our turnover (Aust races) will never ever reach the heights of UK racing. Simple population numbers tell us this.

Chrome, I can't agree that weight of money will indicate the winner. I know what you're getting at re value, but if this was true most winners would shorten on the tote, bookies, and Betfair. This just does not happen. Having said that, I have no proof.

You also stated that the price on other runners is not necessarily influenced by movements on one particular runner. If only this were true. Unfortunately the bots see to it that the market is immediately brought back into the 99% - 101% range, which makes it very hard to make a book.

Crash, if you can't get huge overs on longer priced runners, you mustn't be trying hard enough yet. I backed a horse at 120's that was only 20's on IAS, and even shorter on the totes. Minutes later I was able to lay it off at 32. The 'way overs' on bolters has just about done away with the favourite/longshot bias.

I can understand your disappointment as BF has not grown in the last 3 years, IMO. I think the BF pools have stagnated, and will not increase any further until BF is able to advertise nationally and some of the bad press has been rectified.

As for arbing, there are still opportunties around. There was a Cummings first starter on Saturday that I though had some chance. (it ran last!!) The official prices were 17, 31, 51. I backed it at 65 and laid off at 38, so had it going for nothing, just the way I like it.
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