11th March 2007, 07:45 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 156
Dear Mr Rabitz,
I know the stories and I've had my suspicions too... I'm sure you're right about some country or provincial racing but the big city stuff, I doubt if these people would survive very long...
Mind you if you can show a serious case on paper or with other evidence and are willing to take it to the authorities I'll back you all the way, otherwise we just have to accept that it does happen but it's rare.. I doubt if a trainer turning over $millions a year would bother with messing about with rigging races...
Sit down with a spreadsheet and figure out how much a top trainer or jockey makes a year? Of course you can't know the actual figures but it's a lot more that what they can make by rigging a few races and risking being banned.
Mind you Rabitz, if you have the proof speak up, but I doubt it would hold up under close examination.
P.S... I was at the races (I rarely go) the other day and there was this guy heckling one of the jockeys after winning today when he failed on the same horse a week before... I looked at both races and decided that the result was the likely outcome in both cases... Losing money affects peoples judgement and they look for others to blame...
Poor jockey having to go to work and put up with that sh.. How would you like it if someone who knows little about what you do comes into your workplace and bags you?
Not Criticizing you personally Rabitz, but I don't agree that there's a scheme afoot, sorry.
Kind Regards