Thread: Beat the Donkey
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Old 22nd March 2007, 11:40 AM
AngryPixie AngryPixie is offline
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Originally Posted by Merriguy
Hi guys

I went it alone --- can't stay up as long as you blokes. Only had the two bets --- Aux le Bahnn at Ling and Super Martina ant Chep. The first won, of course! Super M lost.

Mark, I had trouble loading things this morning earlier on. It seems to be working O.K. now.


Yep bad night all around. Unfortunately I'd priced Bible Lord at $4.80 and got that matched, and was feeling quite smug with myself when it blew so much. It never looked like getting beaten.

Maybe I should have twigged that we were in for a tough one when I only turned up two selections. There's always tonight
"It's worth remembering that profit isn't profit until it's spent off the racecourse." -- Crash
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