Thread: Computer help?
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Old 28th March 2007, 06:14 AM
crash crash is offline
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Originally Posted by partypooper
Any compuer buff there that can help me, my comp. is infected with something, firstly I get a pop up telling me that my comp is in danger of infection with "Spybot@MXT trojan" , then I get pop ups all over the place offering me the neccessary software to get rid of it etc etc. Also another pop up telling me that I have visited 625 "compromising" sites and that my marriage is in danger if I don't buy the software to get rid of it (hee hee)

I've got the Pop Up blocker on and I can hear it poping every few seconds. But these others seem to get around that????

I've got Norton on there as well and keep scanning, any help would be appreciated if I need to buy software etc etc

Initially a bit of [relatively harmless] melaware got loose on your PC. telling you lies about being infected and urging you to download there software. What you really downloaded along with the program was a nasty Trojan, Active-X or virus that now seems to have opened a backdoor for other viruses etc. to be downloaded like a rootkit, it has probably modified your IP address table to avoid certain websites and reduces any actions you can do.

If things are still serious.......

If you are using XP O/S, try to do this before installing Kaspersky:

NOTE: You must be logged in as an Administrator to do this.

If you are not logged in as an Administrator, the System Restore tab will not be displayed.

Turning off System Restore will clear out all previous restore points.

To turn off Windows XP System Restore: NOTE: These instructions assume that you are using the default Windows XP Start Menu and have not changed to the Classic Start menu.

To re-enable the default menu, right-click Start, click Properties, click Start menu [not Classic] and then click OK.

1. Click Start.

2. Right-click the My Computer icon, and then click Properties.

3. Click the System Restore tab.

4. Check "Turn off System Restore"

5. Click Apply.

6. When turning off System Restore, the existing restore points will be deleted.

Click Yes to do this.

7. Click OK, reboot.

You could try running the System File Checker [sfc.exe], this will scan all protected Windows files to verify their versions have not been overwritten or damaged, and if so will replace the compromised version with a fresh copy.

To run it, click Start/Run and type 'sfc.exe /scannow' [without the quotes but with the space between the 'e' and the '/'].

Alternatively, you can click start/Run and type in CMD and click O.K., when the black window opens type in "sfc /scannow".

You will need to insert your Windows CD into the drive to enable sfc to effect the repair.

Try to use this standalone version of ewido [a trojan scanner]: , very basic start with downloading the signatures, then scan and then delete.

Now try to install Kaspersky or go to their site and run their free scan.
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