Thread: Computer help?
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Old 29th March 2007, 05:36 AM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104

It's very hard to give instructions to fix PC problems over a forum.
It does sound like your system restore is re-installing your problem[s]. It's the first thing I disable after installing an OS and I then use ERUNT [free] to back up my registry regularly. That way I can restore the complete registry if I have problems with anything. System restore does not 'restore' the registry properly and is a hopeless Hog of system resources.

If your still having problems you could post [cut and paste] a PC log here after running 'HighJackThis' [a tiny free download]. It will show what shouldn't be on your PC. It's then a simple matter of ticking the items and pressing 'fix' in HighJackThis.

Chrome has the best idea but you need to give him remote control of your computer :-)
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