31st March 2007, 08:08 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104
I'd have to disagree with you about 'CC cleaner' Bagman [or any other reg. cleaner for that matter]. These programs are far from perfect and sometimes remove things from the reg. they shouldn't. The fact you have had no problems means your lucky [so far], not that CC is perfect and I wouldn't let my PC anywhere near a PC tech. They are the ************s that load Norton's and other crap programs onto new computers when people buy them in the first place!
I only use 'RegSeeker' now because after cleaning it gives 2 removal options [red or green]. Green is guaranteed safe to remove and accounts for about 90% of the rubbish. The 10% left in red should be treated more cautiously as it might contain something vital to a program.
The 2 removal options mentioned above is 'RegSeekers' way of acknowledging that no Reg. Cleaner is perfect. Any casual perusal about these cleaners on the web. in various Tech. forums will confirm this. They should be lightly used too. Once every 3mths. is plenty.