Thread: Computer help?
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Old 31st March 2007, 12:20 PM
AngryPixie AngryPixie is offline
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Smile Work or pleasure


If you can possibly stretch to it I've always found the best policy is to seperate work from pleasure. I have a machine I use for the punt, and another for everything else. The punt machine really doesn't have to be much, just so long as it can run a browser. You could even look at using a Windows based terminal that run's WinXP Embedded.

Keeping the machine purposes seperate will help protect your punting income and is just good business practice I think.

I regularly use Acronis True Image on my machines, which means I don't have to bother mucking about cleaning infections. Just blow it all away and restore a clean image.
"It's worth remembering that profit isn't profit until it's spent off the racecourse." -- Crash
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