Thread: AFL Round 3
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Old 19th April 2007, 10:38 AM
Buzza Buzza is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 4

Here is a profit/loss summary

COL - 10 Units @ 2.40 - Win +24
ESS - 20 Units @ 2.25 - Loss -20
ADEL - 20 Units @ 2.55 - Win +51
WB - 20 Units @ 2.35 - Loss -20
WC - 10 Units @ 2.35 - Win +23.5
GEL - 40 Units @ 2.30 - Loss -40
HAW - 5 Units @ 2.35 - Win +11.75
SYD - 30 Units @ 2.35 - Win +70.5

Total Invested - 155 Units
Profit/Loss - +25.75 Units

Still a win just a shame Geelong crushed Melbourne, thought Geelong would win by 30 at most.

I base the bet sizes on how confident I am on a team winning combined with the chances that they wont thrash the other team. The first few rounds are always tough so i'm happy just to make a profit.
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