9th May 2007, 04:30 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104
Originally Posted by wesmip1
Top Rank,
Yeah the Favs showed a slight loss of around 2.2% before taking out commission.
I have found several staking plans that can completely take a high strike rate system from a negative to the positive providing
1. It has a high strike rate (25%+)
2. The LOT is no greater than approx 7-8%
3. The appropriate banking structure is setup (more than 1 bank in most instances)
The test i ran quickly was over 1200 bets. Not a small sample by any means against many of the systems posted here.
Good Luck
If your saying what it plainly looks like your saying: Taking a LOT of 7-8% and turning it into a profit by adopting a certain staking plan[s], you are claiming the well proved mathematically impossible, even with a 100 'banks'. If your claiming it's not, lets see the maths, not the usual [endless over the years here] rhetoric please.
Anyone who really thinks this thread's basic premise is possible, well grab your life savings and top-hat, as a limo from your nearest Casino [or Bookie] will be waiting for you outside your door!
This old chestnut [selling Snake-oil] has been done to death in this forum over the years but we obviously still have here the equivalent [regarding staking's 'magic' maths. thinkers], of the climate change deniers who believe we can have never-ending industrial growth in a closed biosphere without destroying it, just by being 'clever' about how we do it :-))