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Old 9th May 2007, 11:30 AM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
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Originally Posted by wesmip1

I am not saying you won't lose a bank or two but you find that before that you usually make the bank 3-4 times over. Mathematically if you don't have the extra banks then you are certainly going to lose long term.

This only works on a HIGH STIKE RATE system.

The idea is you need to retire a bank every time it doubles which happens regularly. If you continue with the same bank it will eventually fail and you will lose.

To prove it works I will run the rest of this year (when I get time) and see if it makes an overall profit. My guess is it will.

Good Luck.

Like I've already said, these claims are high on rhetoric and low on maths. In this case ZERO maths. Don't worry about running it all year, just supply the maths on how this 'magic' maths equation happens please.

It's a bit like the snake-oil loan merchants claiming the best way to get out of debt is to 'consolidate' the debt by borrowing more money [from us]!

Eventually of course you lose the house :-))
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