Thread: 7 Furlongs
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Old 14th May 2007, 10:52 AM
pharfromoz pharfromoz is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 1,501

Originally Posted by Dennis G
Hi pharfromoz,

I'm impressed - you've got my attention!!!!
Keep 'em coming. I haven't actually backed any yet (haven't had a bet for a few weeks). Are you an expat aussie or just a really cool yank?......LOL
One more question - is this a method that you can share or is it more art than science?

Its really basic dennis. 7 furlong races are usually won by the fastest horses.

horses who tend to run in 6 or 61/2 furlong races and cant quite win but are always chasing the speed will relish the 7 furlongs(1400).

but also a change that had to find down under was horses that have huge turn of foot coming off the pace going 6 or 6 1/2. i mean horses that really turn it on in the last 200+ meters. 1400 meters is really a tough distance for horses to come off the pace. basically they tend to go the early stages in a more leisurely pace. but speed and on the outer post positions is the key to this distance.

if you figure the field is too large to keep a lite pace or there is too much speed in the race watchout for the pack that will be coming late.

you will have to put in some light studying but not too much.its pretty basic. believe me alot of people probably think 1400 will benefit a off the pacer stretching out from shorter. in some instances yes but the majority no.

you will also notice on the grass a horse stretching out to 1400 after running forward shorter does not always have to be on the front going 1400. on dirt in america it is no choice but to be up close.
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